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Rich in Essential Omega 3, 6 & 9 Oils.

This is manufactured by Cold Pressing the Flax seed, as the oils are very fragile and would otherwise be destroyed by the process of extracting oil from the seed.

Horses cannot naturally produce these essential fatty acids so, they can be added as a supplement to your horse’s feed.


Benefits of adding Flax Oil to your horse’s feed program;

  • Addition of Flax oil can provide a source of Slow release energy - when avoiding concentrate feeds that are high in sugar and starch - reducing excitability.
  • Promote coat condition for that show-sheen shine!
  • Health benefits to help Broodmares and Stallions during the breeding season.
  • Aids Performance Horses with - muscle recovery, reduces inflammation, reduces lactic acid build-up and increases stamina.
  • Improved joint health
  • Supports the immune system


Virgin Flax Oil

SKU: 366615376135191
  • Feed as per instructions on label.

    Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight, with the lid secured.

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